
Research Projects

Completed Projects:

  • HEC funded R&D Project titled "Establishment of the Department of Forestry & Range Management" sponsored by Higher Education Commission of Pakistan (2004-2008). 
    Dr. Sarwat N. Mirza - Project Director
  • Comparative Performance of Different Range Grasses Under Rainfed Conditions at Koont Research Farm (2010-11)
    Dr. Aamir Saleem PI
  • Effect of Indole Butyric Acid (IBA) on Rooting of Wild Olive (2006-7). 
    Dr. Abdul Khaliq PI
  • Growth and Establishment of Paulownia elongata, at Koont farm, Gujar Khan (2010-11)
    Ms. Lubna Ansari-PI

On-going Research Projects:

  • Assessment of Seasonal Changes in Biomass Production and Utilization of rangelands in Potohar Tract (UNDP SLMP funded-2010-2012)
    Dr. Aamir Saleem PI

Research Groups

The Department of Forestry & Range Management has following research Groups:

  • Forest Carbon & Climate Change
  • Group Leader : Dr. Syed Moazzam Nizami
    Forest carbon stock and sequestration assessment in natural/ planted forests, Forest Soil carbon stock assessment, REDD+ & LULUCF, Impact of Climate change on Forest Resources, Carbon Balance and Carbon sequestration potential of native forests. Impacts of climate change on forest resources.

  • Forest Resource Management
  • Group Members: Dr. Syed Moazzam Nizami, Dr. Abdul Khaliq, Dr. Irshad A. Khan
    Growing Stock Estimations in natural and planted forests, Comparison with the normal forests, Regeneration status, Forest Gap Analysis, Potentials of exotic species, Growth, Yield and biomass of Forests, Biomass Expansion Factors of Forest tree species..

  • Rangeland Improvement & Management
  • Group Members: Dr. Sarwat N. Mirza, Dr. Irshad A. Khan, Dr. Aamir Saleem, Ms. Lubna Ansari
    Range vegetation ecology and monitoring, Range vegetation inventory, biomass and carrying capacity estimation, Rangeland rehabilitation, Seasonal nutritional assessment of range forage species, Socio-economic aspects of rangeland use, Range reseeding and utilization trials, range improvement through water harvesting and conservation, improvement of low quality forage species through mixing with high quality forage species.

  • Natural Resource Ecosystem
  • Group Members: Dr. Sarwat N. Mirza, Dr. Irshad A. Khan, Dr. S.M. Nizami, Dr. Abdul Khaliq, Dr. Aamir Saleem, Ms. Lubna Ansari, Mr. M. Irfan Ashraf
    Watershed Management, Biological conservation, Global timber markets, potential of forests for biofuels, biotechnology and trees, Forest fires, Forest disturbances, Habitat evaluation and conservation, Application of GIS/ Remote sensing in natural resource evaluation.
  • Agro-Forestry
  • Group Members: Dr. Abdul Khaliq, Dr. Aamir Saleem, Mr. Saeed Gulzar