Department of Livestock Production & Management

Livestock and poultry raising in Pakistan are one of the biggest industries and an integral part of the rural economy contributing significantly to the agriculture and the national GDP. The various types of livestock existing in the country provide farm supplies with food, draught power, fuel and fertilizer. These animals also provide regular income and employment, particularly for small farmers and landless labourers. Without livestock it would not have been possible to profitably utilize the crop residues, stubbles, roadside and scattered vegetation on rangelands including hilly and sub-hilly areas in the country. Keeping in mind the marvelous role of livestock in the economy of the country, the Department of Animal Sciences was established in 1993 at University of Arid Agriculture (now Pir Mehr Ali Shah Arid Agriculture University, Rawalpindi), to offer introductory courses to B.Sc.(Hons.) Agriculture students with sole objective of familiarizing agriculture graduates with livestock and poultry farming. Later on, in collaboration with Poultry Research Institute, Rawalpindi, a postgraduate degree program in Poultry Husbandry was initiated during year 2001-02. However, in line with the establishment of Faculty of Veterinary and Animal Sciences in September 2006, the Department of Livestock Production and Management was also established with the following objectives.


To provide students with basic and applied knowledge for a strong foundation in livestock production sciences that emphasizes the application of fundamental principles of animal farm management, feeds & feeding and breeding & genetics in the areas of animal production.


To fulfill the educational needs of students by educating them on issues facing livestock farming and to provide students with skills to be competent and enter into the practical life well prepared with hand on knowledge and expertise in the following areas:

  1. Livestock farming including farm feasibilities, designing, management and animal care
  2. Animal feed formulation ability
  3. Animal feedstuffs procurement and skills in feed milling technologies
  4. Animal breeding and mating planning skills
  5. Ability to plan and execute independent research in animal production sciences
  6. Teamwork experience with excellent oral, written and multimedia communication skills


To provide students with knowledge relevant to animal farming practices that includes awareness in areas of animal welfare and ethical aspects related to care and use of animals in research, the role and impact of livestock farming on the society and environment.


Department Goal and Mission

The overall goal of the department is to produce trained manpower and to assist in poverty alleviation through motivation for creation of opportunities for generating and increasing income within the micro-, small-, medium- and large-scale livestock farming. Furthermore, the department will also contribute towards food security with the slogan "more milk, meat and eggs".


Mission Statement

To build concepts of the subject through high quality class teaching, work in the laboratory and at livestock farms and to train individuals in the field of modern livestock production and technology.


Future Plans and Areas of Expansion:


  • Post-graduate degree program in Animal Nutrition, Livestock Management and Animal Breeding and Genetics will be started.
    To start problem oriented research on specific and serious problems in the animal production industry.
  • Establishment of livestock research farms.
  • To devise the newer strategies for the mitigation of methane emission from livestock for enhancing animal productivity and minimizing the contribution to global warming.
  • Research to discover novel ways of incorporating enhanced levels of essential nutrients such as selenium, folic acid, omega 3 fatty acids and iron into dairy and poultry foods.
  • To extend facilities like milk and feed analysis for local livestock farmers by establishing on campus related extended lab facilities.