Environmental Sciences

Environmental problems have complex effects not only on the quality of the environment but also on human health, resource security, economic vitality and social stability. The environment is an inseparable part of sustainability. Pursuing sustainability requires knowledge of the interaction between the components of the environment and between the environment and the anthroposphere. Based on a sound scientific basis, the Department of Environmental Sciences continues to develop innovative technologies to solve global problems, such as climate change, at the local level, such as environmental contamination. air, water and soil. A number of serious environmental problems are inherent in Pakistan, which is of great ecological concern for its sustainable economic future. Perhaps the main factor that has contributed to their intensity is the population growth and lack of public awareness of significant environmental problems that lead to unsustainable use and management of natural resources. Although Pakistan is primarily an agricultural country, the landscape is mostly arid and semi-arid Water, which is already a scarce commodity in most parts of the country, is now facing new shortages due to the mismanagement of our natural resources.

To prevent the continued degradation of the environment and the decline of human society, the interactions between man and the environment must be harmonious. This is achievable through an integrated and holistic approach encompassing education and research activities in the natural sciences, socio-economic and political factors as well as technological, economic and socio-cultural interventions. Increasing awareness of environmental degradation is driving the proliferation of environmental legislation around the world. This desire to strengthen the protection of the environment has created a demand for competent scientists in environmental resource assessment and more importantly for the problems associated with their exploitation. An environmental assessment may be necessary to assess the biological, physical or hydrological resources of any environment, and to place these resources in a broader geographic context.


The Department of Environmental Sciences was established in 2007 at the PMAS Arid Agriculture University Rawalpindi. Currently, the Department offers three degree programs: BS, M.Phil and Ph.D. to train our undergraduate and graduate students in understanding environmental processes in an integrated manner, preparing them to manage environmental challenges. We provide state-of-the-art research infrastructure and services to support field and laboratory work. A degree holder from this department would be able to identify the underlying processes and feedback in the environmental system and through a range of approaches from theory to experiments and observations, it is possible to address current and future environmental challenges.


Aims and Objectives

The degree programmes would provide a broad foundation of science-based skills, equipping students for careers in the full range of environmental professions, particularly in areas relating to environmental protection and management. Furthermore, curriculum for various degrees in Environmental Sciences has been developed according to the national and international requirements in order to train students for better environmental management understanding the inter-relationship between sustainable economic development and environmental protection.

A degree holder from this department would be able to understand contemporary issues in environmental management, knowledge of the interactions between processes operating in the physical environment and ecosystems, together with an awareness of the legislative and ethical frame work within which environmental scientists operate.