Academic Council

The Academic Council is the academic body of the University. It is responsible to lay down proper standards of teaching / instructions, research, publication and examinations and to regulate and promote the academic life of the University.


The Academic Council consists of :

a. The Vice Chancellor Chairman
b. The Deans of the Faculities Members
c. The Directors of the Divisions/Institutes Members
d. All University Professors including Professors Emeritus Members
e. The Chairmen/Chairperson of the Teaching Departments Members
f. All Associate Professors Members
g. Two Assistant Professors and two Lecturers to be elected by and from amongst themselves
Assistant Professors
  • 1. Dr. Zia-ur-Rehman Mashwani
    Assistant Professor of Botany
  • 2. Dr. Muhammad Tariq
    Assistant Professor of Entomology
  • 3. Dr. Zia-Ul-Haq
    Assistant Professor of Farm Machinery & Precision Engineering
  • 1. Ms. Sabeeqa Usman Malik
    Lecturer, Department of Forestry & Range Management
  • 2. Mr. Muhammad Adnan Riaz
    Lecturer, Department of Education
h. The Librarian Member
i. The Controller of Examinations Member
j. Two Agricultural Scientists to be nominated by the Chancellor Members
k. Four representatives of NARC to be nominated by the Director General, NARC, Islamabad Members
l. The Registrar Member/Secretary