Faculty of Sciences

Message of the Dean

Welcome to Faculty of Sciences. This faculty is among the first two faculties of this young University. The faculty produces about four hundred M.Sc, one hundred M.Phil and 5-6 Ph.D graduates every year, in addition to running research projects earned from various National and International agencies. Our graduates are not only pursuing their advance degrees in many National and International institutions, but are also serving as faculty members in well reputed centers of learning and research.

Our aim has always been to produce men and women of integrity, who should dedicate their capabilities for understanding and solving the National problems in general and problems of the people residing in rain fed areas of Punjab in particular.

We are leaving no stone unturned to provide excellent educational and extracurricular opportunities for future leaders. Our efforts are acknowledged by the community in terms of overwhelming response to our admission calls. On one hand we feel uncomfortable in not being able to cater to all the aspirants, but on the other hand our strict adherence to merit based transparent admission system offers a highly vibrant, competitive and stimulating environment to excel.

Dean FS            

About Faculty

With the highly trained and experienced faculty members and well equipped laboratories, the Faculty of Sciences is second to none. In addition to catering to the demand of other faculties in undergraduate and post-graduate teaching, its faculty is involved in active research collaborations within faculty, among faculties and with other National and International institutions.

The achievements are fruit of consistent efforts, but that has not made the brilliant manpower of this faculty to sit back and rejoice. We are continuing on our path of recruiting quality faculty, developing excellent teaching facilities and modernizing the laboratory facilities.

The faculty is comprised of three excellent departments in the domain of biological sciences and four departments in Social Sciences. Two undergraduate programs (Biochemistry and Economics) have also been instituted. The Post graduate programs include M.Sc., M.Phil, M.Sc (Hons.) and Ph.D.


Creation of a moderate, tolerant and enlightened society capable of devising knowledge based economy competent to contribute to the comity of Nations to earn a respectful global status.


Our aim has always been to produce men and women of integrity, who should be able to cater to the needs of the public and private sector by dedicating their capabilities for understanding and solving the National problems in general and problems of the people residing in rain fed areas of Punjab in particular. Tolerance and discipline lie at the heart of our training mission.