Message of the Director
Every Woman has the opportunity to earn a dignified livelihood. The establishment of this Women Development Studies Center (WDSC) is to increase opportunities for income generation among Women of Pothwar Plateau, by strengthening their skills, business capacities and market linkages, thereby facilitating them in accessing better economic opportunities and improving their quality of their life and that of their families. There is a dire need, to support the step of young university female graduates as an “entrepreneur” in to job creation and market.
Being one of the leading members of my team, I am confident that WDSC enables our students to become “entrepreneurial” in order to seek more self-creating job opportunities through the strong market linkages.
Dr. Qaisara Parveen
About WDSC
The Women Development Studies Center (WDSC) was established in 2016. The establishment of this center in one of the pioneer effort is being made in the Rawalpindi or Pothwar region. This is the first formal step to strengthen the bond between education & entrepreneurship. Keeping in view the skills and ability of self generating income activities of the Pothwar women, this center aims at empowering the existing women’s business skills and as well as equipping with desired entrepreneurial market-based skills to the womenfolk. This center will prove a milestone in identifying skillful and vocational women (educated & uneducated) in order to recognize their true role in the economic development of Pakistan.
Empowering Women through Entrepreneurship Education.
To empower Women of Pothwar region through business incubation initiatives.